About Us

Dr. Harvey Silver, President of Silver Strong & Associates and Thoughtful Education Press, is a former
teacher and administrator on the elementary through graduate levels, has served as consultant and trainer for ASCD as well as
a host of schools and districts worldwide. Harvey is co-creator of the Learning Styles Inventory™ and author of
So Each May Learn and Teaching Styles & Strategies. He is the creator of a movement toward student
alignment in a standards-based world.

Richard Strong, Vice-President of Silver Strong & Associates and Thoughtful Education Press, is a renowned expert
on improving literacy. A former teacher, Richard has served as a trainer and consultant for ASCD and numerous other teacher and professional organizations.
As cofounder of the Institute for Community and Difference, Richard has been studying democratic teaching practices in public and
private schools for over 10 years. Richard has authored several books including Teaching What Matters Most and Questioning Styles & Strategies.
 THOMAS DEWING Trainer | In his 25 years as an educator Tom has taught in a variety of content areas and at grade levels ranging from Kindergarten through Graduate School. He has consulted with thousands of educators in over twenty states. He has developed assessments for numerous states and individual districts. He has also written manuals and teaching kits, and analyzed research studies while working with the Illinois State Board of Education, Riverside Publishing, The Psychological Corporation, Scholastic Testing Service, SRA, Scott Foresman, and the Illinois Resource Center.Tom was honored as a finalist for the Illinois Teacher of the Year award, and was named a Most Influential Educator for his home district in three separate years. He has also served as a board member of the Fulbright Scholarship Foundation, Training Coordinator for Silver Strong & Associates, Coordinator for Gifted Services, Principal, Curriculum & Instruction Coordinator, Gifted resource Teacher, and general education teacher. |
 CLAUDIA GEOCARIS Trainer | For the past three years, Claudia Geocaris has been a High School Principal in Darien, Illinois. She has been a Silver Strong trainer since 1996 and brings over 20 years of teaching and administrative experience to Silver Strong & Associates. Her extensive leadership experience includes membership in the Institute for Educational Leadership, co-chair of the Hinsdale South High School Staff Development Committee, and chair of the Freshman Experience Design Team at Hinsdale South. As a presenter, Claudia has spoken at several national and regional conferences including the National Staff Developers Council, and the National Association of Biology Teachers. She has been published twice in Educational Leadership magazine, and has conducted training for Silver Strong & Associates in everything from assessment to strategies and curriculum development. |
 BARB HEINZMAN Trainer | Barb Heinzman is a recently retired teacher with 33 years of classroom experience at the elementary and middle school levels. She has been instrumental in facilitating and implementing the Thoughtful Education model in her former school district (The Geneva City School District) located in Central New York. While teaching there, North Street School received national recognition in April of 2000 as a Distinguished Title One School for outstanding improvement in math and reading over a three year period. During her tenure as a teacher, some of her classes received national recognition for projects they submitted. She has had articles published in the local newspaper, and contributed to an article on teachers’ professional development that was published in The National Foundation for the Improvement of Education in 1996. In addition, Barb has worked for Silver Strong & Associates for more than 10 years. During that time, she has presented workshops, and served as a coach to support teachers. |
 JODY HOCH Trainer | As a math teacher, staff developer, and district administrator, Jody Hoch's experiences over the last 33 years have been challenging and rewarding. In her current position as the K-12 Director of Mathematics in a mid-sized urban school district, she has drawn heavily on both her experience as a teacher and as a staff developer. Successfully implementing NSF-funded curricula at both the K-5 and middle school levels has provided her with many opportunities to draw upon the Silver Strong model. From training teachers at all levels, to communicating with parents and other administrators, Silver Strong training has provided powerful, effective strategies to help students learn. |
 JOYCE JACKSON Trainer | Joyce W. Jackson is a Senior Assoicate at Silver Strong & Associates. As a former teacher, Joyce worked with the Kentucky State Department of Education in the Division of School Improvement. She has been recognized as one of Kentucky's Distinguished Educators by the Commissioner of Education. Joyce trained and worked with Effective Schools, Accelerated Schools and Different Ways of Knowing, and served as an external coach working with teachers and administrators in Comprehensive School Reform. |
 ANN KLEIN Trainer | Ann Klein is a graduate of Crane School of Music, SUNY Potsdam and Teachers College, Columbia University. A vocal music teacher, she has taught in the Teaneck, New Jersey Public Schools for 25 years. Ann was trained in the Thoughtful Education model in 1990 and has been a turnkey trainer in Teaneck for the past six years where her responsibilities include training new staff and ongoing monitoring and support. Ann is an instructor in the Northern New Jersey Consortium for Alternate Route Staff, with emphasis on instructional strategies and tools and arts integration. She has been a member of Silver Strong Associates since 2001. |
 VIC KLEIN Trainer | Victor Klein is an educator with nearly 40 years of teaching and administrative experience on the Pre-K – 12 levels. His experience encompasses building administration on the elementary and middle school levels in both the public and private sectors. Vic has also been a Director of a school for disabled students/adults, and has spent four years at the district level in public schools. Vic is the primary instructor for the Northern New Jersey Consortium for Alternate Route Staff—a program through which individuals can attain teaching certification—and has been a member of Silver Strong Associates since 1988. He is currently a principal/staff developer in the Highland Falls/Fort Montgomery, New York Central School District. |
 DAN MOIRAO Trainer | Dr. Daniel Moirao is a pioneer in school reform, alternative scheduling, and learning style theory and instrumentation. As a teacher and administrator in California, he has been instrumental in moving several schools into alternative time schedules to maximize instructional time, and he has provided hundreds of schools with consultation on a wide variety of educational topics. He has taught a full range of age groups, from preschool to college graduates, and is the recipient of many awards, including "Distinguished Educator" from ASCD, and "Outstanding Speaker" from Toastmasters International. Dan was on staff with the California School Leadership Academy (CSLA) and remains a Senior Associate. He has written numerous training programs for CSLA and the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA). Dan has also been a member of the State Board of Directors for ACSA. He currently serves part time on UCLA's School Management Program. In this role, he serves as a coach, guiding schools through the change process. In addition to being a wonderful presenter, Dan is available to work with school districts to help them develop a comprehensive screening process using Silver Strong's Learning Preference Inventory (LPI), and to provide follow-through coaching and strategic planning. |
 SUSAN C. MORRIS Trainer | Susan C. Morris joined the Silver Strong & Associates professional team in April 2003, bringing over two decades of experience in practical applications of learning styles research, brain research, theory of multiple intelligences, and experiential learning theory to instructional strategies, curricular design and effective delivery. She is using her collective expertise to develop a state-of-the-art national train-the-trainer program to enable Silver Strong/Thoughtful Education clients to build capacity from within their own organizations for the long-range implementation and adaptation of research-based learning strategies that will transform their schools into true learning communities. |
 ED THOMAS Trainer | Ed has been a trainer with Silver Strong & Associates for 14 years. He has 15 years of teaching experience at the middle and high school levels and 22 years of experience teaching at the university level. Ed is currently Math Supervisor for Curriculum and Instruction for Cobb County Schools, as well as a Math Instructor at Kennesaw State University. In addition to being a Math consultant, Ed has also authored several articles and books, including two Thoughtful Education Press books titled Styles and Strategies for Teaching Middle School Mathematics and Styles and Strategies for Teaching High School Mathematics. |
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